Hunter Mentor Pledge

Take the Pledge 

Enter Your Hunt to Win

Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever are working to engage current hunters by challenging them to pledge to preserve our outdoor lifestyle by taking a new or lapsed hunter afield this upcoming year. Hunting in the United States is a vital part of our culture and although most Americans support hunting for food, involvement continues to decline as hunters age out and represent a smaller percentage of the overall population.

We want to create responsible new hunter-conservationist or reactivate those that have fallen away from hunting and we believe the best way to do so is through one-on-one mentoring. This is where you come in…


How It Works

Experts not needed! If you are a hunter,
you can help someone else learn how to be one too.

Step One:

 Take the pledge!

Step Two:

Head into the field during the 2024-25 season and snap a picture or short video of your experience together! The pledge covers any age of mentee and any game species.

Step Three:

Share your photos by June 30, 2025 and be entered to win a guided upland hunt for two along with other prizes!  Download complete Giveaway rules here.


Enter your hunt to win an upland hunt for two in the fall of 2025!



Would you like to become a member of Pheasants Forever or Quail Forever?


"Share the Lifestyle" Mentor Pledge -  2021 - 2023


Our partners at the Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports (CAHSS) have put together some great resources explaining the significance of R3. Pheasants Forever is dedicated to continually working with our current members, other conservation organizations and state/federal wildlife agencies in national coordinated hunter R3 efforts.


How to Hunt

Meet five hunters, hear their stories and learn how to hunt
upland birds across the country in this free video series.

Meet five hunters, hear their stories and
learn how to hunt upland birds across the
country in this free video series.
