Letterkenny BQFA - Invasive Shrub Herbicide Treatment - Olive – Request for Quotes


Pheasants Forever, Inc. requires the services of an Operator to perform a Machine only foliar herbicide treatment of 218 acres on Letterkenny Army Depot in Letterkenny, Greene and Hamilton Townships, Franklin County. The Purpose of this contract is to provide control of non-native woody vegetation in the Quail Focus Area on Letterkenny Army Depot. Woody Vegetation being targeted consists of, but is not limited to, Autumn Olive, and bush honeysuckle. Stem Density per acre, size and age class of invasive species varies throughout this project.

Please download the Request for Quote (RFQ) for full specifications. 

All inquiries regarding quote submission may be directed to Susan Capparelli at 651-209-4915 or scapparelli@pheasantsforever.org.