Conservation Leadership

What is Journey to Conservation Careers?

Journey to Conservation Careers is a national program aimed at high school and college students who have an interest in a career in conservation. We know students are busier than ever, which is why Journey to Conservation Careers is a self-paced program, focusing on upland habitat, ecology, and biology, which allows students to tailor the experience to their lifestyle.

Additionally, students have the unique opportunity to build hands-on experience during the third module of this program, which includes a chance to job shadow a local resource professional. Students will learn skills to help build their resumes, while providing networking opportunities to help get their foot in the conservation door all the while earning college credits.

Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever’s Journey to Conservation Careers program’s curriculum has been developed in partnership thanks to the faculty at Bellevue University, a private, accredited university with extensive experience in online learning.

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Register Now

What's Included with Registration?

» Access to our Journey to Conservation Career online curriculum program

» Your choice of a Pheasants Forever or Quail Forever membership

» Entry to our National Pheasant Fest & Quail Classic show floor

» Free admission to our online, Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever Virtual College and Career Information Days

» Potential for opportunities with local resource professional for job shadowing opportunities

» A large network of students, professors, and resource professionals to help you on your journey

» Earn 2.3 college credits at Belleview University upon completion


PF & QF Unique Positions

Ready to apply today?
Take a look at the types of careers the Habitat Organziation offers

Services to private landowners as
well as our state and federal partners.


With many unique landscapes across the country, Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever biologists hold a variety of unique skills and job descriptions. From Farm Bill Wildlife Biologists to Coordinating Wildlife Biologists, these individuals work as specialized consultants in conservation programs and habitat planning and expand to other species and interest areas including sage grouse, precision ag and other specialized positions.

Habitat Forever

Looking to spend your days in the field while working with your hands? The Habitat Forever team might be the perfect fit for you! From assistants to specialists this team works on planting and cultivating food plots, improving nesting and brood rearing cover, helping to combat invasive weed species, tree removal and forestry mowing, and even prescribed burns. Some of these positions are seasonal, which allows you the opportunity to try them out and see what you think. This can also be a great first step to getting experience and a foot in the conservation career door.

Marketing & Communications

Do you enjoy writing or creating art that helps tell the conservation story? Consider a career in conservation marketing and communications! Examples include editors (did you know the Habitat Organization has a Quail Forever editor AND a Pheasants Forever editor?), photographers, videographers, graphic design artists and more! Put those creative skills to use and make a difference with your career.

Education & Outreach

Have you considered becoming a teacher or event coordinator? Maybe the Education & Outreach team is your jam! This department includes everything from pollinator habitat and education, to our Women on the Wing initiative and Learn to Hunt, R3 (recruit, retain and reactivate) events for youth and adults. Our Education & Outreach team focuses on creating the next generation of hunter conservationists and land stewards while working with chapters and partners. By teaching others about the importance of conservation and wildlife habitat, the hope is that one day, the student will pay it forward and show someone else the world of conservation.

Regional Representatives

If you enjoy working with people and helping volunteers make an impact in their community, becoming a Regional Representative is a great opportunity for you. Regionals “Reps” provide an invaluable role working with a variety of volunteers to help spread new program information, create new chapters, assist with fundraising efforts to improve habitat across the country, and provide remarkable customer service to chapters across the country!

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