Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever is partnering with conservation leaders, including Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, National Wild Turkey Federation, Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation, Ducks Unlimited, Trout Unlimited and the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, to spearhead
#ResponsibleRecreation, a media campaign encouraging Americans to enjoy outdoor recreation while adhering to proper COVID-19 safety protocols.
Whether participating in hunting, fishing, shooting sports or numerous other outdoor activities, the conservation community sees the #ResponsibleRecreation campaign as a safe and constructive way to encourage individuals and families to get outside and enjoy the outdoors as a means to cope with the current COVID-19 pandemic.
In addition to advocating safe outdoor etiquette, the campaign also encourages Americans to take advantage of the numerous opportunities this country offers to recreate on public lands, waters and parks. Guidelines the campaign seeks to establish while practicing #ResponsibleRecreation are in line with the Center for Disease Prevention and Control and include maintaining proper social distancing and adhering to best practices to avoid COVID-19.
While many of the organizations involved in spearheading #ResponsibleRecreation have their own interests — hunting, fishing or shooting sports — it is important to note that the campaign seeks to engage all Americans who are enjoying the outdoors safely and responsibly.
“During a period that finds Americans searching for a ‘new normal,’ the one constant that our country can rely on is the comfort provided by outdoor recreation,” stated Howard Vincent, president and CEO of Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever. “Public lands that have always been a reprieve for some now become a potential remedy for all. To that end, I’m encouraging our members and staff to take the pledge for #ResponsibleRecreation, and I hope all Americans who find solace in the outdoors will do the same.”
Additionally, the #ResponsibleRecreation campaign is encouraging all outdoor enthusiasts to share their pursuits by using the hashtag #ResponsibleRecreation on the social media channel of their choice in addition to
taking the pledge.
About Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever
Pheasants Forever, including its quail conservation division,
Quail Forever, is the nation's largest nonprofit organization dedicated to upland habitat conservation. Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever have more than 138,000 members and 760 local chapters across the United States and Canada. Since creation in 1982, Pheasants Forever has spent over $900 million on 550,000 habitat projects benefiting 19 million acres nationwide.
Media Contact
Jared Wiklund
(651) 209-4953