Nesting and Brood-Rearing Cover
Without nesting and brood-rearing cover on the landscape, there are no pheasants. Period.
Ring-necked pheasants are birds of open landscapes, where grasses and herbaceous plants are the dominant cover. Across most of the pheasant range, secure, undisturbed grassland nesting habitat is the most important limiting factor for pheasant populations. Brood-rearing is another element of the “making new pheasants” equation.
That can be a good thing, since nesting and brood-rearing cover is one element we can influence in a relatively short period of time by planting the right vegetation and managing it correctly.
Nesting and brood-rearing cover is herbaceous cover (examples: grasses, and forbs or wildflowers) providing overhead and horizontal concealment from predators, that remains free from both human-related (mowing, dog training) and weather-related (flooding) disturbances from April to mid-July.
Hen pheasants generally begin nesting by early April. The earliest nests are located in erect, residual vegetation from the prior growing season. Later, the new growth in hayfields or pastures becomes important for nesting hens and for newly hatched broods. Through mid-summer, pheasants need secure and undisturbed cover.
Hens that lose nests are persistent re-nesters, although clutch size and success rates diminish rapidly as summer advances. Nesting chores end for most hens by mid-July. In addition to pheasant nesting, grasslands also provide the insects that are important for providing the protein-rich food that young pheasants need to grow fast.
Here are the keys to creating prime places for pheasants to hatch and grow young:
Can you spot the hen pheasant?
Nesting Cover Needs and Opportunities
Nesting Cover Needs and Opportunities
Pheasants need a minimum of 30 to 60 acres of safe, undisturbed nesting cover. That would be about 5 to 10 percent of a 640-acre section. More is better. Of course, any nesting cover is better than none.
Consider the size and shape of nesting cover as well as the types of vegetation. Generally, larger blocks of cover are preferable to narrow strips, since large blocks are more difficult for predators to search. However, some linear habitats are very important for production and brood-rearing on a landscape level.
Nesting cover opportunities are where you find them, but there are some specific areas to concentrate on:
» The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), and other federal and state conservation programs, provide financial incentives to convert unproductive cropland to grassland cover. This can provide a better return for the landowner on unproductive acres, improve soil and water quality, and create wildlife habitat.
» Roadsides can provide important grassland habitat for nesting. Oftentimes all you have to do is delay any mowing. There are up to 5 acres of potential nesting cover along one mile of rural road. In some areas, 40 percent of pheasants in the fall population are produced in roadsides or other idle areas.
» Filter strips along cropland edges, stream or riparian corridors, field borders, and grass waterways, protect water quality while providing nesting areas and travel corridors between habitats for the birds. Many of these areas also qualify for enrollment in CRP or other conservation programs. (Hint: wider is always better. Southern Minnesota studies have shown that for linear cover up to 60 feet wide, nesting success for pheasants goes up 1 percent for every 1-foot increase in strip width.)
» Setting back farming operations 50 to 100 feet from ditches and ponds creates nesting areas that also contribute to water quality.
» Most farms have unproductive areas that can’t be used profitably for agriculture. In the practice called precision agriculture, some of these areas can be converted to native grasses (nesting and brood-rearing cover) that reduce annual input costs and provide a return via federal and/or state conservation programs, providing a better financial outcome for the landowner on those acres.
» Eroded sites, wetland edges, abandoned farmsteads, and occasionally flooded cropland, offer great potential if planted in a productive nesting cover and protected from farm machinery.
» Hayfields and pastures can also be managed to provide nesting cover to birds through the nesting season. Pastures utilized outside of nesting season at a stocking rate designed to leave residual cover for springtime can provide suitable nesting cover.
Choosing a Nesting Cover Mix
Choosing a Nesting Cover Mix
Establishing nesting cover is a compromise of factors that include site, cost and your management objectives. Since wildlife will use the cover for more than just the nesting season, think about other habitat needs — like brood-rearing and wintering.
Single Species or Mixes?
What is better: Just one grass or a mixture of grasses and/or broad-leaved plants?
Single species mixes may fit in some instances but fail for pheasants in others. A great example of this is smooth brome. Although birds may nest in brome, it often chokes out other broadleaf plants, creating an “insect desert” for freshly hatched chicks.
Fields of warm or cool-season grasses and forbs in a habitat mix will provide more cover variety that will produce more pheasants. Broods are often found at the borders of these fields, as that is where bare ground and broadleaf plants are located.
The lesson is to diversify your plantings. Quickly achieving a solid stand of grass is not a good goal when creating nesting and brood-rearing cover. Although these heavy stands of grass may be where you find the birds during the hunting season, often the birds are not produced there.
Plantings comprised of native prairie grasses and forb mixtures provide relative ease of movement for broods. Native grass/forb stands also typically offer excellent residual vegetation for nesting the following year.
The best plantings normally contain mixes of 5 to 10 native grasses suited to the site, with a complement of 15 to 20 forbs such as milkweeds, prairie asters, bergamot, prairie clovers, prairie coneflowers and sunflowers, indigo, lupine and goldenrods.
Cool or Warm Season Grass?
Nesting cover must conceal hens from overhead, and from the side when viewed from a dozen feet away.
That requires dense, erect vegetation at least 8 to 12 inches high. Both cool and warm-season grasses can fill this requirement. Both warm and cool-season grasses can be utilized for nesting by birds. The residual cover (last year’s growth) typically provides the most likely place for a pheasant to nest.
Cool-Season Grasses. Cool-season grasses begin growth in the cool spring months, hence the name. They can provide early green-up for nesting depending on how early or late spring is. If there is adequate growth, nesting can occur. Native cool-season grasses like prairie Junegrass are always good to include in your seed mixes.
Warm-Season Grasses. Warm-season native grasses begin growth much later in the spring. They reach full maturity in late summer or early fall. Hence the warm-season name. These grasses produce high-quality cover when cool-season grasses lie dormant.
Warm-season (native) grasses such as Indiangrass, switchgrass, and big and little bluestem, reach full maturity in late summer or early fall. But last year’s warm-season grasses produce high-quality cover when cool-season grasses lie dormant. If left undisturbed, these grasses may provide good winter habitat and residual nesting cover for the following spring.
Native grasses and forbs are self-sustaining if managed properly. The growth form and root structure of these plants actually help minimize many noxious weed problems.
Controlled burning, on a 3- or 4-year rotation, is a primary management tool for warm-season grasses.
The quality of native grass and forb seeding as cover for pheasants and other upland wildlife is unmatched.
Native grasses can be planted prior to June, as late-fall dormant seedings (November) or as frost seedings in late winter (February).
Testing for Nesting
There are many good types of nesting cover. Here is a simple field exercise to test the adequacy of your nest cover:
Throw a football 20 feet away. If it disappears and there are several species of grasses and forbs in the field, you likely have adequate cover. Conduct this test in mid-April. Ensure there is no disturbance for the next 3 months.
Pheasants are grassland birds, but not all grasslands are created equal. As you conduct these football tests you will begin to notice a trend of native warm-season grasses consistently being the Super Bowl champions of structure compared to non-native species.
Disturbance is Required
Nesting cover is dynamic. It must be regularly renewed. If the cover looks great this year, chances are it won’t look that good in 2 years. Disturbance is good. Plan ahead to manage grass cover successfully. That means burning, mowing or both. It is the best thing you can do for pheasants in your area. See the Managing Nesting Cover section for details.
Dylan Jacobs
Planting Native Grasses and Forbs
Planting Native Grasses and Forbs
Keep these 4 basic planting rules in mind and you will have success, no matter whether you plant in spring or fall.
» Good seed bed preparation is extremely important.
» Native grass and forbs need good seed-to-soil contact for germination.
» The most common mistake is planting the seed too deep.
» Monitor aggressive weed pressure the first year.
Fall Seedings
Fall seedings of native grass and forb mixes can be effective for establishing diverse stands of nesting cover.
You cannot seed until the soil temperature has dropped low enough so that there is no chance of germination in the fall. Soil temperatures must be below 54 degrees, and you should be reasonably certain it will stay below that temperature for the remainder of dormant seeding season.
If you are seeding forbs or native grasses using a no-till drill in the fall or spring, know that planting the seed too deep is one of the most common mistakes.
Placing the seed more than ¼ to 1/8 inch beneath the ground surface can have negative effects. This is especially important in fall, as the ground’s freezing and thawing process can work the seed deeper into the soil over the winter months.
When drilling into existing crop stubble (soybean stubble is ideal), tillage or disturbance prior to seeding is not needed. Simply drill directly into the existing crop stubble. This provides a nice firm seed bed, helping ensure that the seed doesn’t get planted too deep.
If you are no-till drilling into existing cool-season grass vegetation, the existing vegetation needs to be killed prior to seeding. For this, a 3-step process is recommended:
» Reduce the existing grass competition evenly and at the ground level. Do this early enough to allow 6 to 8 inches of new regrowth of the cool-season grass before fall frost. After frost, apply a full killing rate of glyphosate-based herbicide when the temperature will reach 50 degrees.
» The following spring, apply another full rate of glyphosate herbicide to the area to help eliminate any grass that was not killed during the fall application. Applying the second herbicide later in the spring can be beneficial to help with early emerging annual grass and weeds. If the area is enrolled into a contract, make sure and check for spring spraying deadlines.
» When doing a broadcast seeding, light tillage or a form of disturbance is generally recommended. This is especially important if existing vegetation is present. The seed needs good contact with the soil to germinate. If it doesn’t, the opportunity for gemination the following year will be limited. If tillage has been completed, then packing the soil prior to the broadcast seeding is highly recommended. Packing the soil can be done using a cultipacker or roller with heavy weight helping to assure a firm seedbed. Pack the area at least once again if not multiple times after the seeding to provide better seed-to-soil contact.
Spring Seedings
Spring planting can be completed any time before the first of June. Some years, seeding through the middle of June can be successful. However, depending on the summer’s heat and moisture, new seedlings may not have enough root growth to support themselves for the upcoming winter. (If in a USDA program, check seeding date deadline.)
First-year mowing can be used to help control weed pressure. This can also decrease the time for establishment. Constant monitoring will be needed if mowing is going to be used as a management option.
A common mistake is mowing too late in the growing season, creating an excessive thatch layer on top of the new seedlings. Monitoring early can help reduce this negative impact. Mowing should be done when the average vegetation height is around 12 inches. This can vary depending on the weed pressure.
Mowing short is not recommended. Raising the mower to a height of 6 to 8 inches helps reduce the amount of mowed material sitting on top of the new plants, while still providing structure.
Seeding Rates
As mentioned previously, good nesting cover cannot consist of grasses alone. Too much grass, regardless of the species, is still too much grass. The rates at which warm-season grasses, forbs and legumes are seeded varies greatly across the country and is locally dependent on factors such as soil type and precipitation. Contact your local PF Farm Bill biologist with questions.
Generally speaking, rates of 3 to 5 pounds of Pure Live Seed (PLS) per acre are appropriate for a large swath of the pheasant range. However, in certain areas, such as the western portion of the pheasant range, a higher seed rate may be necessary given the climate. Forbs and legumes are typically planted at a rate of 1 to 4 ounces per acre.
Use the following guide to determine the appropriate quantities of individual grasses in a mix. For best results, contact your county NRCS office to find the recommended seeding rates for your specific soils.
As a good rule of thumb, try to make mixes that have an approximate ratio of 50:50 grasses to forbs/legumes.
There are a great many quality seed dealers to choose from. Consider Pheasants Forever mixes first. We offer a variety of mixes specifically designed for different situations, needs and geographies. Visit the Pheasants Forever Habitat Store here.
That being said, there are some simple guidelines to use when selecting native seed.
» Do not simply go out and buy the cheapest seed you can find. Poor seed produces poor results and delays success.
» Select a variety or mix that will grow in your region. An example: Bison big bluestem does well in northern Minnesota and Canada but diminishes in vigor the further south you travel. It is poorly adapted for Iowa and Nebraska. Check with the experts at The PF Habitat Store (866-914-PFQF or, or your local NRCS office, if you have questions about appropriate varieties for your region.
» Fresh is good. Native seed doesn’t necessarily get better with age. Make sure your seed has been tested within 6 months of purchase. Stay away from seed with a germination of less than 50 percent. If unable to plant right away, seed should be kept in a location where it stays cool, dry and secure from insects and rodents.
Determine PLS and PLS/sqft
Planting rates are usually given in pounds of Pure Live Seed (PLS) per acre. Because bulk seed can vary greatly in quality, make sure you are buying seed per pound PLS. This is the reason you do not want to go out and purchase the cheapest seed you can find. An alternative method, and a method that often helps with visualization, is to find the PLS seeds/sqft (square foot).
As an example, picture a one-square-foot area on the ground, and then picture a number of seeds within it. For most nesting mixes, a seeding rate of 20-35 PLS/sqft is recommended. This means your one-square-foot box on the ground should contain 20-35 seeds. This often helps people understand why the amount of seed they receive is smaller than they expected. While the above rates should be true for large portions of the country, checking with your local Farm Bill Biologist and or NRCS office may be necessary.
Due to the nature of most seed, and especially natives, there is a certain percentage of non-seed per bulk pound of seed … and not all seed is viable. Through testing the seed, the purity (percent) and germination (percent) are determined. These ratings should be found on the label of any seed you are planning to purchase. Pure Live Seed or PLS percent is determined by multiplying the percent purity by the percent germination.
For example: If a seed test results in a purity of 70% (.70) and a germination of 92% (.92), % PLS would be calculated like this: % Purity (.70) x % Germination (.92) = % PLS or 64.4%.
Once you know the percent pure live seed, simply multiply it by the bulk weight of your seed to determine the pounds of pure live seed you have. For instance, if your bulk switchgrass weighed 55 pounds and the PLS was 64.4% you would have 35.42 pounds of viable switchgrass seed to plant. 55 pounds x .644 = 35.42 pounds.
PLS / sqft can be determined by dividing the # of seeds per pound / 43,560 sq ft per acre. Typically, seed dealers or resource professionals will have determined this factor. The take-home here is the handy visualization method for both seed on the ground and the amount of seed purchased.
Logan Hinners
Managing Nesting Cover
Managing Nesting Cover
The value of grassland vegetation for supporting nesting pheasants and offering cover for other upland wildlife depends on more than just getting the native grasses and wildflowers seeded.
Proper management is necessary to rejuvenate older plantings and keep them attractive to nesting wildlife. Actively managing a third of a field annually on a rotating basis can rejuvenate seedings and provide better wildlife habitat. Several management options are available.
Controlled Burning
Controlled burning is an important tool for managing warm-season grasses and forbs, as well as tame grasses.
Unwanted woody vegetation can be eliminated by proper use of fire. Burning also releases the nutrients bound in the plant litter, and that stimulates vigorous new growth following the burn.
Burning can, however, be very dangerous if not done properly. Native prairie produces extremely hot fires that spread rapidly. Permits are required by most fire departments, and controlled burns on CRP lands require NRCS burn plans.
In short, if you have never done a burn before, get the proper training and do your first couple burns with an expert at hand!
Burn when the new growth of competitive cool-season grasses reaches 2 to 6 inches in height — normally in late March into early April. Earlier burning leads to weed growth, which is fine for wildlife but sometimes a problem for landowners.
Later burns often fail because of too much green growth.
Burning should be done every 3 to 5 years, and more frequently if tree invasion is a problem.
Timing of the burn can be critical for wildlife production, and if possible, a scheme of rotational burning is best.
We’ll say it again: If you plan to burn, get training, get help, and consult with wildlife agencies and fire departments.
Mowing of any established cover (for haying, as well as weed and brush control) should be delayed until after the nesting season has concluded, in mid-to-late July.
Even then, broods using these areas for feeding need to be considered. If it was a late-hatch year, delay your mowing to save birds! And consider whether those birds will have places to go and cover to use after you mow. Maybe don’t mow it all.
After cover is established, haying segments of the field on a 3-year rotation will keep the vegetation rejuvenated and leave birds with habitat to use. Shredding/ mowing can leave excess thatch on the ground and limit chick movement. Shredding can be a valuable tool to decrease woody vegetation in nesting cover areas.
Leave 8 to 12 inches of cover after the last cutting, and more if possible with native grass. This is sufficient height to provide some roosting cover as well as residual cover for nesting, and to protect plant vigor.
If weed control is necessary, use spot mowing rather than blanket applications.
Disking is an underrated management technique used to create early successional habitat. Aggressively disking sodbound grasses promotes bare ground and provides opportunity for forbs like sunflowers to grow. These early successional plants and bare ground are critical to pheasant chicks.
Multiple disking passes may be needed to produce adequate bare ground.
One important note: In areas with a history of noxious weeds, disking can cause bare ground creating opportunities for those noxious weeds to emerge.
Interseeding legumes, or planting separate plots of cool-season and warm-season grasses, can also diversify nesting and brood-rearing cover.
Brood Rearing Habitat
Brood Rearing Habitat
Hatching new pheasants is important. But quality brood-rearing habitat is essential to ensure pheasant chicks are able to survive, grow and ultimately thrive. To accomplish this, brood-rearing habitat must check multiple boxes. It must:
» Provide concealment from predators.
» Permit easy movement of small chicks.
» Allow chicks the ability to regulate their body temperature.
» Offer ample foraging opportunities (i.e. soft-bodied insects).
If we adopt the perspective of a pheasant chick for a moment, we begin to see how different vegetation types can bring all these factors together.
Newly hatched chicks weigh less than an ounce, so pushing their way through dense vegetation isn’t an option. But they must also avoid spending too much time out in the open, as they would be a quick treat for predators.
Which kinds of plants won’t slow down chicks, but also hide them from threats? Bunchgrasses and broadleaves.
Bunchgrasses grow in clumps, leaving the surrounding soil bare. Broadleaves (wildflowers), which generally lose the battle for resources to sod-forming grasses, persist in the open soil allowed by bunchgrasses and form tree-like canopies above these bare spots. This structure offers both lateral concealment (grasses) and overhead concealment (forbs) from preying eyes, while also allowing for open paths on the soil surface for the tiny chicks to move freely.
Unable to regulate their own body temperature for more than ten days after hatching, chicks also rely on this variation in structure to help keep their internal temperature within a safe range. Mornings in the spring are chilly and the vegetation dewy. A chick that finds itself in sod-bound grass will likely die of hypothermia if it is unable to push itself out of the damp vegetation and dry itself off.
Luckily, life gets easier for the young birds as they grow. And they do grow quickly. To fuel this rapid growth, chicks need the quality protein only found in soft-bodied insects.
During their first several weeks of life, pheasant chicks feed almost exclusively on the larval and instar stages of many pollinator insect species. Pollinating insects (as well as many non-pollinator species) require broadleaf plants on the landscape. So, generally speaking, good pollinator habitat is good brood rearing habitat.
When planning these seedings, it is beneficial to include north of 30 forb species with just a few warm season grasses at a low rate, aiming for a ratio of 1/3 grasses to 2/3 forbs. A high number of broadleaves guarantees that there are always plants blooming throughout the growing season, as most species only flower during a specific window and for a limited time. It turns out planting milkweed benefits more than just monarch butterflies!
Various federal, state and private conservation programs may help defray some of the cost of establishing nest cover. Contact your local Pheasants Forever Farm Bill biologist to start. Other resources include the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) at your local USDA Farm Service Agency office, state wildlife agency, and local Pheasants Forever chapter.
Flower Power All-Stars
Flower Power All-Stars
As diversity on the landscape is good for pheasants, so is diversity within nesting and brood-rearing cover itself. Forbs, more commonly known as wildflowers, are key in that respect. Prairie wildflowers feature stiff stems that stand up to wind, heavy rain and other weather extremes, while offering broad leaves under which young pheasants can hide from predators and move about while foraging for the abundant insects that such habitat produces. Come full summer, the blooms are just beautiful to look at too, while supporting pollinator life. Here are a few all-star species:
Monarda fistulosa
Purple Coneflower
Echinacea purpurea
Yellow Coneflower
Ratibida pinnata
Butterfly Milkweed
Asclepias tuberosa
Solidago canadensis
Rudbeckia spp.
The #Farming4Habitat campaign was initiated by seven of the nation’s leading conservation organizations to highlight the robust investments that America’s landowners make in support of the conservation of our public trust fish and wildlife resources. Learn more at
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The Science on Predators
Predator control may seem helpful. But for more pheasants, the better investment of time, effort and dollars is habitat.
One can’t dispute the fact that predators kill pheasants. Among concerned hunters, conservationists and land managers, few subjects generate so much passionate debate as the proposed solutions to stem that loss of pheasants to hungry predators.
Pheasants suffer mortality by teeth, claws, beaks and talons from a long list of nature’s predators. But not every predator is created equal.
Early in the pheasant life cycle, mid-sized mammalian predators (fox, skunk, raccoon) are culprits, gobbling up eggs from nests and accounting for 95 percent of nest predation. Avian predators, mostly crows and other corvids, claim most of the remaining destruction, but snakes and small rodents also play a role.
Avian predators, like hawks, account for increased mortality (20 percent) on adult birds, but still significantly less than their mammalian counterparts. This may seem strange to hunters afield who witness hawks dive-bombing pheasants. But consider that hawks are active in the day (diurnal) and migrating in the fall when we are hunting, while mammalian predators are mostly nocturnal.
Predator Control Facts
Some people may propose predator control (removal and/or exclusion) as the solution to pheasant mortality.
Removal methods, like trapping, can be effective for small areas when they meet 3 critical factors:
» The effort must occur during the key period of predator recruitment, beginning prior to and continuing through the entire nesting season.
» Trapping must extend beyond the boundaries of the controlled area. Trapping efforts that fail to account for large predator home ranges merely invite predators from the surrounding landscape to move into the controlled area.
» A successful removal effort must be professional and full time. Casual removal has little impact on predator populations and, by design, hunting and trapping removes a replaceable surplus of a population.
There is an unintended and detrimental result of such removal efforts. In what a biologist would call “compensatory reproduction,” predators respond to removal efforts by producing more young, and those predators replace and can even expand upon what was removed; predation on pheasants continues and may even increase.
Trapping and hunting predators provides benefits to conservation by engaging constituents and providing recreational opportunity. But trapping and hunting do not positively impact survival of pheasants. Professional predator removal efforts are costly, and only marginally effective if all of pheasants’ habitat needs have already been met.
Predation Management
A more effective and cost-efficient approach to reducing pheasant mortality due to predators is through predation management.
This strategy focuses on maximizing the suitability of habitat for your target species — pheasants — while simultaneously reducing the suitability of that habitat for the key predators. Well-designed habitat projects can reduce predation by up to 80 percent.
Habitat quantity — especially nesting and brood cover — remain the most critical variable in pheasant populations. Reproduction and recruitment trump predator control.
Pheasant population densities increase in landscapes with increasing grasslands, at least until 50 percent. The characteristics of that habitat can also reduce the number of predators (community interactions) in a landscape, and the birds’ foraging efficiency (dilution).
Habitat Solutions
There are proven ways to make habitat better for pheasants, and harder for predators to be successful.
Size matters and wider is better. Larger patches of nesting cover (40 acres or more) have significantly higher rates of nest success than smaller-sized patches. Predator foraging success is higher in narrow strips of cover. Evidence from Minnesota showed that a 1 percent increase in nesting success for pheasants for every 1-foot increase in habitat width, up to 60 feet.
Most mammalian predators have a strong correlation with habitat edge, known as the edge effect. In agricultural landscapes where the primary form of grassland habitats is linear (examples include road ditches, waterways and riparian corridors), predator activity concentrates on those smaller strips of cover. In landscapes with larger blocks of grassland, that activity is diluted across the increased habitat.
Habitat shape can impact predator activity as well. Corners are bad. Studies show increased predator activity at grassland corners compared to sides. Additionally, blocks of cover with more corners have a higher percentage of edge (where predators like to forage) than similar sized habitat with fewer corners.
Habitat Arrangement Strategies
The way habitat is arranged can help pheasants and challenge predators.
1. Foremost, avoid putting pheasant habitat near predator habitat or, more practically, remove predator habitat in and around your pheasant habitat. Specifically, remove tall perch sites, den trees, buildings, brush /and rock piles, and anywhere else that predators may call home.
2. Provide food plots near secure winter cover. Much of adult pheasant mortality is on vulnerable and exposed birds in poor condition. Robust food plots provide food, improved thermoregulation, and security from predators.
3. Separate winter woody cover from nesting cover. Woody cover can be important in severe winters, but pheasants will move well over a mile between nesting and winter habitat. At the same time, many nest predators are associated with woody edge. Put some distance between them.
Habitat management practices can be applied predation management practices. Prescribed fire can improve nesting cover, reduce small predator populations, and set back woody encroachment (predator habitat) when done appropriately. However, it can also leave birds exposed if failing to leave a refuge.
Community Interactions: Know Your Predators
Community interactions may be the most interesting variable impacting predation. Not all predators are created equal.
No single predator gets more blame than coyotes. But research over several decades suggests landscapes with coyotes are better for pheasants than those without; double the nest success on waterfowl.
Why? Coyotes have larger home ranges than other predators, are less focused on nest destruction, and are aggressive toward other mammalian predators. The result is a landscape with fewer total predators not actively searching for pheasant nests.
Prey interactions also play a role. Predators are going to “switch” their search image to abundant, readily available prey. Diverse habitat (example: lots of species of grass and wildflowers) support a related number of insects and other animals. Some of these animals may be preferred prey species that “buffer” pheasants from predators when available.
This is also good reason to avoid pheasant stocking. Stocking will attract predators. And releasing a large number of “dumb” pheasants to an area will likely cause predators to switch their search image to pheasants, where the predators will hone their skills on released birds and then become more effective on wild ones.
Pheasants evolved alongside predators. Landscapes with abundant, quality habitat have strong pheasant populations ... even with predators. Historical evidence from predator and pheasant population studies do not show a relationship, while loss of habitat is strongly correlated with declining pheasant populations.
Habitat is the Answer
Yes, predators kill pheasants and will continue to be a factor for decimating pheasant nests and killing adult birds. No, trapping or hunting predators does not increase pheasant populations. Predation management is about habitat, not predator control.
Adding and improving the quality of habitat increases pheasant reproduction and lowers pheasant mortality by reducing predators’ foraging efficiency. Better and more habitat also improves the situation for other non-target wildlife, provides recreational opportunities such as our own hunting activities, and increases other ecosystem services from clean water and carbon capture to biodiversity.
Yes, habitat is still the answer. It is always the answer. Even when predators are the challenge. Providing nesting, brood rearing, winter and escape cover for pheasants works; predator control does not.
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