Presents Dog of the Day

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This is Zenobia, a yellow lab owned by Isaac Full, a Pheasants Forever Farm Bill Biologist who hails from Gettysburg, South Dakota. At just under a year of age, this was the pup’s third rooster retrieve on the shores of Lake Oahe for the state’s resident-only pheasant opener.

“She’s as hungry for roosters as I am,” reports Full, who spends the majority of his year putting quality habitat on the ground through private/public partnerships in order to enjoy the fruits of his labor during bird season.


English setter “Lady” and her owner, Robert Jones, are recent transplants to the state of Montana where they have enjoyed training in Big Sky country for sharptails, roosters, and Hungarian partridge.

“Here’s Lady standing through the flush on a big covey of sharps,” reported Jones in his email to Pheasants Forever. Those big, bird dog eyes are burning a hole through the grassy cover!


Pheasants Forever member Jeff Detraz and his four-legged sidekick, Lexi, harvested this pair of public lands wild roosters in the state of Indiana last fall. #ResponsibleRecreation


Chris Isely, a Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever member from Vancouver, Washington traveled to Minnesota last fall with his Deutsch Drahthaar, Kolt, and harvested this beautiful ringneck in Yellow Medicine County.
“This was the first wild pheasant we’ve harvested outside of Oregon and Washington! We were fortunate enough to harvest multiple roosters during our trip and were impressed by the amount of publicly accessible land available,” reports Isely. His return trip is already booked for this fall!


"Braker" #Pudelpointer

Bird dogs belong in wild places, be it the mountains, plains, fields, duck blind, or riding shotgun in your truck. Fred Bohm of Sage & Braker Mercantile - a supporter of Pheasants Forever's conservation mission - brings Braker the Pudelpointer with him to all of his favorite outdoor destinations, including this awe-inspiring mountaintop.


Pheasants Forever member Al Webster and his French Brittany, “Pads,” hail from North Dakota where the duo chase roosters, sharpies, and Huns throughout the autumn months.
“This was Pads’ first solo limit of roosters with four excellent points,” reports Webster. “Three perfect downed bird finds and to top it off, a wing-shot Hun that she tracked into a second covey before pointing. At seven months and one day of age, she did well that day and the future for her looks bright.”
Pads lineage is out of Windy Acres Kennel in Napoleon, North Dakota.


PF member Tyler Clifford and his hunting partner, Meeka the Vizsla, support Pheasants Forever from their home in western Pennsylvania.
As the last of the snow melted away this spring, the duo headed to the woods for a bit of pointer training with chukar partridge. And as you can see, things got real! 


PF member Tyler Clifford and his hunting partner, Meeka the Vizsla, support Pheasants Forever from their home in western Pennsylvania.
As the last of the snow melted away this spring, the duo headed to the woods for a bit of pointer training with chukar partridge. And as you can see, things got real! 


PF member Richard Rappley and his one-year-old Golden Retriever, Finn, support the efforts of the Dekalb County Chapter of Pheasants Forever in Illinois.
“Like many young dogs, Finn is a work in progress who continues to refine his craft for the upcoming bird season,” stated Rappley. “I look forward to following him through Midwest CRP stands later this fall!”


Dog of the Day: “Bella” #EnglishPointer

South Dakota Pheasants Forever members Mark and Keri Feterl anxiously await the fall opener each year to watch “Bella,” their beautiful English Pointer, lock up on gaudy roosters. Nothing speaks Fall like a double limit of longtails on a picturesque old barn!


Pheasants Forever member George Cummins and his 17-month-old Weimaraner, Samson, completed their first SD rooster limit together during an October hunt near the city of Redfield. The “Grey Ghost” delivers once again!
“He’s an up-and-coming gun dog that I’ve had the pleasure to train and handle in the field this year,” explained Cummins, who hails from Pennsylvania.


Dog of the Day: Stella #RymanEnglishSetter

Pheasants Forever Member Jordan Madding submitted this photo of one-year-old Stella and his wife Jessie with the duo's first ever wild rooster. 

The hunting trio had dreamed of hunting in the snow, so they drove three hours from their home in Kentucky to to make it happen!


Dog of the Day: Benzel #GermanShorthairedPointer

Pheasant's Forever Member Chad Homewood took this picture of Benzel, a German Shorthaired Pointer, on a hunting trip near Flasher, North Dakota.

"As a current member of Pheasant's Forever, I enjoy helping our local PF chapter, Black Hawk County, in Iowa," says Homewood.


Dog of the Day: “Shooter” #GoldenRetriever
A new member of Pheasants Forever and an adult-onset hunter starting last year, Simon Tiedge and his Golden Retriever, Shooter, succeeded on public land pheasants, grouse, woodcock and snipe in their first year together. Simon and Shooter hail from Delano, MN.
“After joining my co-workers on a trip to South Dakota, I really fell in love with dogs and decided to get myself a new hunting partner. We’ve made lots of memories in the past 12 months and I’m now a proud member of ‘The Habitat Organization!’”


Owned by Pheasants Forever member Jeff Anderson, Toby is a two-year-old English Pointer who celebrated his recent birthday with a training session where this picture was taken.
“He runs very hard, locks up on birds, and does not move until released,” shared Anderson. “I bought him from Hackberry Kennels in Shelby, Iowa and could not be more pleased with his progress. Training has been great, but not nearly as gratifying as watching him do his stuff in the field for wild roosters.”

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