Pre-Event Forms


Program Partner Logos

Be sure to provide recognition to all the program partners listed below in all media interviews, publications and signage.



These hands-on activities were designed to be used in conjunction with your Pollinator Habitat Project. Each activity comes with instructions and list of materials needed to conduct the activity.

Pollinator Free Pizza
This activity demonstrated how important pollinators are to producing the main ingredients in pizza.

Pollinator Free Tacos
This activity demonstrates how important pollinators are to producing the main ingredients in tacos.

Pollinator Free Sandwiches
This activity demonstrates how important pollinators are in producing the main ingredients in a cold cut sandwich.

Pollinator Free Ice Cream Sundae
This activity demonstrates how important pollinators are to producing the main ingredients in an ice cream sundae.

Building a Native Bee Nesting Block
This activity provides instructions on how to build a native bee nesting block (power tools required).

Building a Native Bee Tunnel Nest
This activity provides instructions on how to build a native bee tunnel nest (no power tools required).

Kahoot Pollinator Outreach Quiz
Interactive virtual game to learn about the importance habitat and pollinators. Great to use in person or over webinar.

Precision Ag Handout
Precision Ag Notes
This activity great for adult in-person visual that shows the importance of how conservation and profitability can work together.

Plant ID Activity
This activity is a fun plant ID contest designed to teach participants the common name of native plants.

Pollinator Seed Ball Activity
This hands-on activity provides instructions on how to make seed balls.
(Planting Instructions)

Predator Prey Game
This is a fast-paced activity that teaches participants about the predator/prey relationship and how important quality habitat is to the survival of prey species.

Un-Natural Nature Hike
This is a fun activity for all ages that teaches participants the common names of local flora and fauna.

Butterfly Clothespin Activity
This activity is well suited for young participants. It is a great way to let them bring back habitat to plant!
(Planting Instructions)

Dice Monarch Migration Activity
This activity great for an in-person activity that mimics the monarch migration.

Fire Demo Activity
This activity great for an in-person visual that shows the importance of fire on the landscape.




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Program Partners