Host Bob St.Pierre is joined by three biologists from Oklahoma and Texas to discuss the massive wildfires in the panhandle areas of both states in recent weeks, as well as the impact those wildfires have had on upland birds. Those biologists include Tell Judkins, upland game biologist with Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation; John McLaughlin, upland game program leader with Texas Parks & Wildlife Department; and Thomas Janke, Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever’s state coordinator for Texas.
Episode Highlights:
- Judkins and McLaughlin provide a recap of the massive number of acres burned and provide an update on the impact those wildfires have had on wildlife populations so far.
- Janke explains difference between wildfires and prescribed fires, as well as the critically important role prescribed fire plays in properly managing upland habitat to maximize potential for wildlife.
- Judkins and McLaughlin explain the concept of “fighting fire with fire” and the dual role prescribed fire plays in mitigating the risk and impact of wildfires.
The Heart of The Habitat Organization is with the Southern Great Plains by Casey Sill.