2023 National Pheasant Fest & Quail Classic Bird Dog Stage Lineup Accounced
By Chad Love, Quail Forever Journal Editor
One of the most popular and highly anticipated events at the National Pheasant Fest and Quail Classic has always been the Bird Dog Stage, and once again it’s back! And once again a star-studded roster of trainers will be dispensing wisdom, advice, and stories.
“Again, we have the “best-in-the-business” presenting on stage, but with a few new topics for 2023,” says Karl Gunzer, professional dog trainer, director of the sporting dog group for Nestle Purina PetCare, and chief architect and coordinator of the stage’s seminar series.
“We’ve got an all-star line-up of professional trainers including Tom Dokken, Rick and Ronnie Smith, Mike Wieben and Josh Miller,” says Gunzer. “Some of the topics include retriever training, bird dog development, training your dog to find shed antlers, training your dog to hunt pheasants, and steadying your bird dog.”
Tom Dokken, Mike Wieben, Josh Miller
“The seminars from Rick and Ronnie Smith build on a lifetime of learning how to not only train bird dogs, but how to create a better, more compliant, trainable dog, whatever the breed,” says Gunzer. “Also, Dr. Seth Bynum (@birddogvet) will be back to speak on a variety of topics, including reproduction, nutrition, and the spay/neuter debate.”
Rick Smith, Ronnie Smith, Dr. Seth Bynum
Gunzer says other familiar and popular faces will also be back on stage this year. “Tom Dokken will take a deep dive into some advanced hunting strategies as well as the importance of starting your young dog on the right path for success in the field,” says Gunzer. “Mike Wieben will explain how to train you hunting dog to find sheds in the 'off-season', and Josh Miller will have an in-depth discussion on training your retriever.”
In addition to the professional trainers, Gunzer says there will also be a few educational presentations to help folk learn about life-saving topics.
“New this year we have the addition of Jerry Snetsinger, “The Trap Doctor” doing some presentations on getting dogs out of all types of traps,” says Gunzer.
Jerry Snetsinger
The panel discussion, always a crowd favorite, will also be making its return to the stage this year, too. “The panel discussion at the end of each day is always a highlight, and a great opportunity to ask a personal question to a panel of some of the best trainers in the country!” says Gunzer.
Another thing making a return to the stage is the newer, shorter format. Several years ago there was a change-up to the Bird Dog Stage format, from the traditional one-hour seminar time to shorter, half-hour seminars in order to give attendees time to see the rest of the show floor as well the opportunity to see more targeted, focused seminar topics. That has proven to be a popular move.
"Everyone seemed to really like the shorter seminar format, so we’re sticking with that," says Gunzer. "That really gives folks more opportunity to connect with experts in the Purina and SportDOG booths for one-on-one time for specific questions."
Nestle Purina PetCare is a national sponsor of Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever, and an annual presenter of the Bird Dog Bonanza Stage, while Purina Pro Plan is official dog food brand of The Habitat Organization. SportDOG brand, also a national sponsor of the organization, is teaming up with Purina again this year to present the stage.
Seminar Schedule
2023 National Pheasant Fest & Quail Classic:
Bird Dog Stage Seminar Lineup
Time |
Topic |
Speaker(s) |
Friday |
1:00 |
Training your Retriever |
Josh Miller |
1:30 |
Training your dog to find shed antlers |
Mike Weiben |
2:00 |
How to get your dog out of a trap |
Jerry Snetsinger |
2:30 |
Fueling Success - Maximizing Nutrition for your Hunting Dog |
Dr. Seth Bynum |
3:00* |
USFWS Leadership Forum & Partnership Unveil |
PF & QF staff and leadership from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service |
4:00 |
The Three C’s - Confidence, Composure and Compliance |
Ronnie Smith |
4:30 |
Your Dog needs a leader - a good one! |
Rick Smith |
5:00 |
Starting and Developing your Pheasant Dog |
Tom Dokken |
5:30 |
Ask the Experts - Over 200 years of dog training experience |
Panel |
Saturday |
10:00 |
A more natural way to steady your dog |
Ronnie Smith |
10:30 |
Starting and Developing your Pheasant Dog |
Tom Dokken |
11:00* |
Farmer of the Year Awards Presented by John Deere |
PF & QF staff and John Deere |
12:00 |
When Should I Spay or Neuter my Hunting Dog |
Dr. Seth Bynum |
12:30 |
It’s the dog owner’s job to mentor their pets |
Rick Smith |
1:00 |
Training your dog to find shed antlers |
Mike Weiben |
1:30 |
How to get your dog out of a trap |
Jerry Snetsinger |
2:00 |
Training Your Retriever |
Josh Miller |
2:30 |
Advanced Control for Hunting Dogs |
Tom Dokken |
3:00* |
2023 Farm Bill Forum |
Congressional / USDA Leadership and PF & QF Govt. Affairs team |
4:00 |
The Three C’s - Confidence, Composure and Compliance |
Ronnie Smith |
4:30 |
Fueling Success - Maximizing Nutrition for your Hunting Dog |
Dr. Seth Bynum |
5:00 |
Ask the Experts - Over 200 years of dog training experience |
Panel |
Sunday |
10:00 |
Starting and Developing your Pheasant Dog |
Tom Dokken |
10:30 |
Training Your Retriever |
Josh Miller |
11:00 |
Your Dog needs a leader - a good one! |
Rick Smith |
11:30 |
The Three C’s - Confidence, Composure and Compliance |
Ronnie Smith |
12:00* |
State of Conservation Panel / Meet & Greet |
CEO’s from the nation’s most prolific conservation groups |
1:00 |
Fueling Success - Maximizing Nutrition for your Hunting Dog |
Dr. Seth Bynum |
1:30 |
Training your dog to find shed antlers |
Mike Weiben |
2:00 |
Ask the Experts - Over 200 years of dog training experience |
Panel |
*Taking Place on the Main Stage |
The 2023 National Pheasant Fest & Quail Classic will take place at the Minneapolis Convention Center in Minneapolis on February 17-19. Tickets and more information can be found at: PheasantFest.org.