Help PF Fund the Trust for Natural Resources & Outdoor Recreation in 2022
A decade after 63 percent of Iowan’s voted to support the creation of Iowa’s Water & Land Legacy constitutional amendment, we now stand on the verge of sustainable funding for the state’s long-awaited Natural Resources & Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund.
That’s why Pheasants Forever is asking you, our valued member, to voice your support of Senate Study Bill 3074 introduced by the Iowa Legislature. Current language would direct ~$200 million per year to address the current challenges and embrace future opportunities presented by Iowa’s land, water and wildlife.
PF/QF Supporter Action Requested:
Call or email your elected official TODAY and ask them to support the passage of Senate Study Bill 3074 with the messaging found below. Click here to find contact information for your Iowa Legislator.
PF/QF Collective Messaging:
Dear Legislator,
Please support Senate Study Bill 3074 which was introduced late last week to the Iowa Senate Ways and Means Committee. This legislation would allow for funding of Iowa’s Natural Resources & Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund – promoting cleaner water, healthier soil, and vibrant outdoor initiatives in the state.
- Land, water and wildlife resources are severely underfunded in the state of Iowa. This bill would provide landscape level improvements for public AND private lands resources.
- Funding the Trust will generate nearly $200 million annually, protected by the Iowa Constitution to be used only for natural resources and outdoor recreation purposes. It keeps promises made to and by Iowans — for cleaner water, protected soils, improved parks, and more enhanced places to hike, hunt, fish, bike, and enjoy wildlife.
- Recent polling shows that 70 percent of Iowans support funding measures for the Natural Resources & Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund.
- Most of all, this bill helps fulfill a natural resources legacy in Iowa — a gift to ourselves and future generations.
Thank you for your support of Senate Study Bill 3074 and the overarching funding it provides to Iowa’s land, water, wildlife, and rural communities!
PF/QF Member Questions?
For questions related to Senate Study Bill 3074, please contact Josh Divan, Pheasants Forever’s State Coordinator, at (515) 708-2371 or JDivan@PheasantsForever.Org.